This question is very deceptive. Bush’s intelligence is not really the question. His effectiveness as a leader is what is being asked, really. I think Bush was at best a mediocre intelligence. I think I did better than he did in school and I think I am smarter than he is. But that’s just ny opinion. I also think he was a great and effective leader who accomplished almost all of his objectives. He was a great leader the same way the leader of the lemmings is great enough to lead all the lemmings off the cliff. Bush got his idiot followers to devastate the nation. He could lead, but he couldn’t make good decisions or the correct choices and he almost always re-inforced failure. Bush was stupid and he made bad choices over and over and when they were discovered to be wrong he doubled down on them and lost again. It’s never too late to make a losing bet. It’s easy to ask if Bush was stupid but all you have to do is see the results of his very effective leadership to know the answer — he was a moron of the highest caliber who not only destroyed Iraq and killed, wounded and displaced millions of people, but also brought this nation from its zenith in power, prestige and prosperity to its nadir in shame, derision, disrespect, financial bankruptcy and debt (not to mention losing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Ossetia, North Korea and Somalia) in just 8 short years. He gave Al Qaeda every single thing they wanted. He fought the Iraq war for the benefit of Iran, who turned out to be the only real victor. George W. Bush was a blind moron whose actions devastated this country at a time when we could have been doing a thousand good things like building bridges or going to Mars or replacing schools. Instead he mortgaged the future to lose a major was in the Middle East.
Answer by Jay Bazzinotti:
This question comes up from time to time on Quora and it is very deceptive. Bush’s intelligence is not really the question. His effectiveness as a leader is what is being asked, really. I think Bush was at best a mediocre intelligence. I think I did better than he did in school and I think I am smarter than he is. But that’s just ny opinion.
I also think he was a great and effective leader who accomplished almost all of his objectives. He was a great leader the same way the leader of the lemmings is great enough to lead all the lemmings off the cliff. Bush got his idiot followers to devastate the nation. He could lead, but he couldn’t make good decisions or the correct choices and he almost always re-inforced failure.
And I never thought his father was a doddering fool. Anyone who mistakes the former head of the CIA as a fool is really STUPID. Old Bush had people tortured and killed, you better believe it. But he did it in secret the way you’re supposed to do it. Young Bush, being stupid, had many people tortured and killed, many of them innocent. But he HAD to let it be discovered that we were doing this, discovered either by accident or design, on an industrial basis such as at Abu Ghraib.
But then he denied we tortured anyone when everyone knew it was true. The fucking photographic evidence was incontrovertible. The testimony of the tortured innocent screamed loudly. He settled with them for millions without accepting culpability. Only an idiot would believe we didn’t torture people. Even Trump is screaming about how we should do it more.
Why would Bush deny that we tortured people when it was clear that we did? He obviously must have thought it was effective. So why wouldn’t he scream it loud and proud from the rooftops — “if you fuck with us we will torture you!”? Why didn’t he just come out and say it? It’s because he was ashamed of what he was doing. He was stupid to do it, the Army didnt want to do it and he was ashamed of the damage it would do to the US. His actions at Abu Ghraib probably recruited thousands for the enemy and instilled hatred for the US, possibly for generations. We were supposed to be “liberators”, greeted as “liberators”, hailed and loved. And yet here we were torturing people on an industrial scale. It may have been a secret here for awhile but it was no secret to the Iraqis who were supposed to greet us as liberators. They knew what was happening. The actions at Haditha (and others) and the cover-ups all the way to the top sent a message to the Iraqis that the US stood for absolutely nothing. Our ideals were false. George Bush gave them that “epiphany”. The installation of Bremer and Sanchez, probably the two most incompetent people in government was idiocy. The instutionalization of ideology over practicality was astounding in its stupidity.
Bush was stupid and he made bad choices over and over and when they were discovered to be wrong he doubled down on them and lost again. It’s never too late to make a losing bet. It’s easy to ask if Bush was stupid but all you have to do is see the results of his very effective leadership to know the answer — he was a moron of the highest caliber who not only destroyed Iraq and killed, wounded and displaced millions of people, but also brought this nation from its zenith in power, prestige and prosperity to its nadir in shame, derision, disrespect, financial bankruptcy and debt (not to mention losing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Ossetia, North Korea and Somalia) in just 8 short years. He gave Al Qaeda every single thing they wanted. He fought the Iraq war for the benefit of Iran, who turned out to be the only real victor.
Now THAT is an achievement that speaks for itself.
Read for your enjoyment and disgust:
“Fiasco” by Thomas Ricks, the foremost military writer in America and a former Bush confidante
“Life in the Emerald City” by reporter Rajiv Chandrasekaran. You absolutely will not believe his story
“We Meant Well” by Peter van Buren of the US State Department stationed in Iraq during the war
“Maher Arar”, on Wikipedia and in the NYT, the Canadian who was renditioned and tortured by Bush as a result of mistaken identity
“Why We Lost the Iraq War” by Maj General Dan Bolger who served on the CoS during Iraq
You cannot read any of these books and come away with any conclusion other than George W. Bush was a blind moron whose actions devastated this country at a time when we could have been doing a thousand good things like building bridges or going to Mars or replacing schools. Instead he mortgaged the future to lose a major was in the Middle East.
How intelligent is George W. Bush?
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