Monday, January 9, 2017

Hunting for the Presidency. Donald J. Trump’s Silent Coup.

Hunting for the Presidency. Donald J. Trump’s Silent Coup.:

In the early hours of November 9, 2016, one of the most contentious, polarizing, vicious presidential races came to an abrupt, unexpected end when favored presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton called Donald J. Trump to concede, shocking a nation that had, only hours before, given little credence to his chances. 

Donald Trump pulled off the greatest upset in American political history despite a torrent of invective and dismissal of the mainstream media.

– How the “silent majority” shifted the election to Donald Trump in reliable Democratic Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, thus handing him the presidency.Trump’s campaign was unlike any seen on the national stage—combative, confrontational, maverick, incendiary, fearless – totally unorthodox. 

Trump’s nomination was the hostile takeover of the Republican party and a resounding repudiation of the failed leadership of both parties whose policies have brought America to the brink of financial collapse as well as endangering our national security. The Trump campaign almost single-handedly harnessed discontent among “Forgotten Americans” despite running a guerrilla-style grass roots campaign to compete with the smooth running and free-spending Clinton political machine.

Donald Trump ran as the anti-Open Borders/Globalism candidate as well as a supporter of American sovereignty and advocate of return to American Exceptionalism, using antipathy against trade deals like NAFTA to win over three of ten Bernie Sanders supporters.Charts the rise of the alt-conservative (including The Alt Right) media and the end of the mainstream media monopoly on voter impacting information dissemination; opposition research into Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton’s crimes, and the struggle by the Republican establishment to stop Trump and how they underestimated him and Trump’s triumph in three debates where he skillfully lowered expectation levels but skewered Mrs. Clinton for the corruption of the Clinton Foundation, her mishandling of government email, and her incompetence as Secretary of State.Julian Assange,

Wikileaks, Clinton campaign chief John Podesta, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner aka Carlos Danger, Doug Band, Jeffery Epstein, and the efforts to hide the former first lady’s infirmities and health problems; the phony narrative that Trump was in cahoots with Russian strongman Vladmir Putin or that the e-mails released by Wikileaks came from the Russians.

∙ How Trump’s election has averted near certain war with Russia over Syria and the rejection of the neocon policies of the Obama/Clinton Administration.⁃ How Trump brilliantly picked at Hillary Clinton’s weaknesses, particularly her reputation as a crooked insider, and ignited the passions of out-of-work white men and women from the rust belt and beyond, at a time when millions of Americans desperately wanted change.

∙ How and why the mainstream media got it wrong⁃ How the polls were loaded and completely misunderstood who would vote.

by Roger Stone

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