Alleges : a) That Donald J. Trump has been in the fold of the Kremlin/Russia for at least 5 years b). He has frequented the services of prostitutes aka escorts
Answer by Kai Neagle:
Details are sketchy but here’s what we know:
- The Russian government has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” President-elect Trump for up to five years.
- Russian intelligence have gained damaging information against the President-elect. This has been circulating among the media and members in Washington for weeks, however this is the first time that it has been broken to the public.
- The FBI applied for a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant on the Trump team to monitor suspicious links to Russia through surrogates.
- Russia compiled information sensitive to both Republicans and Democrats, however only released information which damaged Hillary Clinton and other downballot Democrats.
- Allegations regarding communications between Trump surrogates and the Russian government led then-Senator Harry Reid to publish his letter calling on the FBI to investigate President-elect Trump’s ties to Russia.
- This information has been around since last summer, however took on a new meaning today as US intelligence vetted and confirmed that the person who published this opposition research — a former MI6 Intelligence Officer — was legitimate. He has been a reliable source for many years prior. This officer supposedly has a vast network of friends and assets through Europe that were used in collating the document, parts of which were presented to President-elect Trump during his intelligence briefing last Friday.
- The FBI had known about these allegations since August 2016.
- Trump lawyer Michael Cohen met with Russian officials in Prague during the election campaign.
- President-elect Trump hired Russian sex workers to pee on the bed in the Presidential Suite of the Ritz Carlton in Moscow because the Obama’s had slept there earlier. The FSB may have recorded this act as the hotel is, “known to be under FSB control”. This occurred in 2013, according to unnamed sources.
- Donald Trump has been supported by the Russians to divide western alliances.
- The Trump campaign accepted intelligence from the Kremlin regarding Democratic and other rivals. Information was exchanged in both directions — the Trump campaign gave information to Russia and the Russians gave information to the Trump team. The report states that this was agreed and the Trump team used “moles” within the DNC and hackers based in the US and Russia to gather information on HRC. In return, the Trump team was giving information on Russian oligarchs and their families in the US. Paul Manafort and Carter Page are the main links between Russia and the Trump team. This regular exchange of information has purportedly occurred for eight years prior to 2016.
- The campaign was happy to have Russia as a bogeyman as it masked more extensive business ties with China and other third-world countries. The report states that Trump’s dealings with China were worse than his dealings with Russia, apparently involving, “large bribes and kickbacks”.
- In return for support on defeating Hillary Clinton, the Trump campaign promised to ignore Russian intervention in Ukraine as an issue during the campaign and question NATO defence commitments.
- Trump used lots of local prostitutes in Saint Petersburg.
- Carter Page held meetings in Moscow with Igor Sechin and Kremlin internal affairs official Igor Divyekin. Sechin asked about lifting sanction and energy co-operation, however Page was not keen on the idea. Divyekin tells Page the Russians have information on Trump.
- The Kremlin engaged with Carter Page, Jill Stein and Michael Flynn.
- Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych directly paid Paul Manafort, however told Putin there was no paper trail.
Sources: Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him. These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia (You can read the entire classified report on the Buzzfeed article).
Trump should reveal the information, however it’s not yet clear whether a) it even exists and b) how damaging it could be. If it’s really damaging he’s not going to release it and just submit to President Putin in fear of ruining his political career.
What is the unsubstantiated salacious information that Kremlin has on Trump?
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